Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mid-Day Refresher

There's something about the late afternoon that always leaves me feeling dull and unmotivated.  Below I've shared some tips on healthy ways to feel energized during a slump.  
1. Move Around
When I feel unmotivated to work, I tend to dose off and distract easily.  To combat the fatigue, I try to get up and move around my work space.  Anything from a simple walk down the hallway, to a ten minute walk outside, to a brief stretch at my desk can help reenergize my afternoon motivation.

2. Make a To-Do List
Organization is always my key to surviving a work or school day.  I find writing down a list of what still needs to be done, or a list of my goals, helps focus my afternoon.  The list centers my attention on the remainder of my work, and helps to negate my sluggish mood.

3. Tie Your Hair Back
This tip is a big one for me.  As someone with long hair, I tend to feel 100% better at the end of the day when I pull the weight up off my neck.  I always have a hair tie on me in case I need to have my hair not be in my face (tame the mane). 

4. Drink Water
As I have mentioned before, the health benefits to drinking water are endless.  I drink two 24oz bottles a day, and my goal is to drink a third.  I'm a believer in flushing out toxins while flushing out any uninspiring vibes from the afternoon.

5. Clear Skin
I have incredibly oily skin, so this tip is a big one for me as well.  I like to keep some sort of face wipe in my bag to cleanse my skin of excess oils on the go.  I always feel better with a fresh face.

What are your tricks for feeling refreshed in the afternoon?

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